How much will I need to save for my child's education?
Use our calculator to find out how much you may need to save towards your children's education expenses, how long it'll take, and how the value of an investment could change under different market conditions.

We’d all like to give our children the best opportunities in life. Paying for, or contributing towards the cost of their education can be a great way to give them a head start.
This calculator can help you to:
- find out how much money you could have by the time your child starts their education
- see how the value of your investments may change depending on different market conditions and your risk level
Remember to take into account the total costs of their education when you use the calculator. For example, you could consider their accommodation costs as well as their tuition fees.
How much you'll have when education starts
Good market conditions | - |
Intermediate market conditions | - |
Poor market conditions | - |
How much you'll have left to reach your target
Good market conditions | - |
Intermediate market conditions | - |
Poor market conditions | - |
How much you'll have invested over that time
Good market conditions | - |
Intermediate market conditions | - |
Poor market conditions | - |
Good market conditions | Intermediate market conditions | Poor market conditions | |
How much you'll have when education starts
- | - | - |
How much you'll have left to reach your target
- | - | - |
How much you'll have invested over that time
- | - | - |
Based on the information you've entered; the graph above shows how the value of your investment could change in 3 different market conditions.
The table above shows what the value of your investment could be when you've said you'll stop adding monthly contributions to your investment.
The graph and table above are just illustrations of future performance and therefore are not reliable indicators of actual future performance.
- Very low
- Low
- Balanced
- High
- Very high