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Easy access savings accounts

Keep your savings within easy reach

Help your money grow. Get it when you want

Want to save but don't fancy locking your money away for a year or more? One of our easy access savings accounts could be just what you're after. Open an account today and enjoy instant access to your cash.

Why choose an HSBC easy access savings account?

Earn tax-free interest

The first £1,000 you earn in interest each tax year is tax-free if you're a basic rate taxpayer, so more stays in your pocket.1

Get your money when you need it

No waiting. No fuss. Withdraw your money easily online or at a Full Service or Cash Service branch.

Manage your account easily on the go

Use online banking or our Mobile Banking app to manage your account wherever and whenever you want.

Savings goals

Saving for something special? Using our in-app feature can help you reach your goals.

Our easy access savings accounts


Get a higher interest rate in any months you don't make a withdrawal. For existing HSBC customers only. You can only open this account online.


  • Bonus rate up to £50,000: 4.00% AER / 3.93% gross
  • Bonus rate over £50,000: 1.75% AER / 1.74% gross
  • Standard rate: 1.50% AER / 1.49% gross
  • Minimum deposit: £1

Interest is paid monthly and the rate is variable.


Our most flexible savings account. Save and make withdrawals as often as you like, and access your account the way you want.


  • Interest rate: 1.50% AER / 1.49% gross
  • Minimum deposit: £1

Interest is paid monthly and the rate is variable.


Help your money work harder with our flexible savings account exclusively for HSBC Premier customers.


  • Up to £50,000: 1.75% AER / 1.74% gross

  • Between £50,000 to £100,000: 1.85% AER / 1.83% gross

  • Over £100,000: 2.00% AER / 1.98% gross

  • Minimum deposit: £1

Interest is paid monthly and the rate is variable.

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Additional information

AER stands for annual equivalent rate. This shows you what the interest rate would be if interest was paid and compounded once each year.

Gross is the rate of interest paid before any tax (where applicable) has been deducted.

1. Thanks to the Personal Savings Allowance (PSA), basic rate taxpayers can earn up to £1,000 in interest each tax year without having to pay income tax on it. Higher rate (40%) taxpayers can earn up to £500 interest without paying income tax on it, while additional rate (45%) taxpayers aren't entitled to any PSA at all. The value of any tax benefits depends upon your individual circumstances. Tax rules may change in future.

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