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At a glance


Get a higher interest rate in any months you don't make a withdrawal. For existing HSBC customers only. You can only open this account online.

Interest rate

Bonus rate up to £50,000: 4.00% AER / 3.93% gross

Bonus rate over £50,000: 1.75% AER / 1.74% gross

Standard rate: 1.50% AER / 1.49% gross

Often used for

Saving what you want, when you want

Bonus interest paid on months when you don't make a withdrawal (restrictions apply)


Instant access

Balance/deposit requirements

Min: £1

No maximum

Who can apply?

Eligibility criteria

  • aged 16 or over
  • an existing HSBC customer (excluding Appointee/Executor Account)
  • able to manage the account in online banking or via the mobile app

Additional information

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