Keep on top of your repayment plans
As a responsible lender, we may write to you from time to time to check your repayment plan is on track to repay your mortgage.
It's important you regularly review your plans to make sure you can repay your mortgage at the end of the term.
Update us on your plans
Tell us about your plans for repaying your mortgage - it only takes a few minutes. Fill in our simple 3-step form and we'll ask for:
- Information about you.
- Your mortgage sort code and account number - you can find these by logging on to our mobile banking app, online banking or any correspondence we've sent you.
- Your repayment plan.
If you have a joint mortgage, only one of you needs to fill this in.
Once you've completed the form, leave the rest to us. We'll get in touch if we need more details.
Need some help?
Give our mortgage specialists a call on 0800 169 6333
Our lines are open Monday to Friday 08:00 to 20:00, Saturday and Sunday 09:00 to 17:00. We may monitor and record calls. Opening hours within the mortgage departments may vary.
Get independent advice
If you're worried about your repayment plan, we're always here to help. But there are other organisations you can talk to for free impartial help and advice:
- StepChange Debt Charity: visit the StepChange website or call 0800 138 1111
- MoneyHelper: visit the MoneyHelper website or call 0300 500 5000
- National Debtline: visit the National Debtline website or call 0808 808 4000
- Citizens Advice: visit the Citizens Advice website or call 0344 411 1444