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Explore our investment products

Find out about the different investment options, services and tools that could help your money grow. Remember, investing has its downs as well as ups – so you could get back less than you invest. Eligibility criteria and fees apply.

Invest £1,000 or more in a fund or across a mix of funds by 31 March 2025 for your chance to win £40,000 – our exclusive offer for HSBC Premier customers.

Capital at risk. You should aim to invest for at least 5 years.

Read T&Cs. Fees apply.

Read our thought-provoking report to find out what wealth really looks like in 2025 for our Premier customers.

Choose what to invest in

Explore our range of ready-made portfolios. Or, if you’re keen to take more control of your investments, you can research and buy your own funds and shares.

The HSBC Global Strategy Portfolios contain a mix of investments that are managed on your behalf.

Research, buy, sell and switch investments online with our Global Investment Centre.
InvestDirect is our online share dealing account that puts you in control of your investment decisions.

Tailored advice

Find out about our personalised advice service. Eligibility criteria and fees apply.

Our financial advice could help you plan for the future you want. 

If you've got broader financial needs our advisers can help you create personal investment plans to help you thrive.

Discretionary wealth management where investment decisions are made on your behalf, by a Wealth specialist.

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