Manage your account
Here's where you can find information to help you manage your HSBC Flexible Retirement Account.
If you'd like to talk to us about a new pension or combining your existing pensions, leave your details and one of our wealth specialists will call you back to find out how we can help.
Useful documents for your account
Take a look, download or print the documents that you may want to refer to when managing your account.
Documents for your Flexible Retirement Account:
Fund factsheets:
For details relating to the costs associated with your investments see the Fund Factsheets below or contact the Wealth Retirement Services team using the details at the bottom of this page.
On 1 April 25, the HSBC Global Sustainable range of funds were renamed to HSBC Global Responsible funds. Fund factsheets reflecting performance from April onwards will reflect the new name, but currently the fund factsheets are still in relation to performance before the 1 April and will still show HSBC Global Sustainable as the fund name.
Any other questions?
If you've got any questions about your retirement plan, or if you’d like a printed copy of any of the documents, get in touch with us.
Speak to us
Call us to find out how we could help you on:
Lines are open 09:00 to 17:00 Monday to Friday (except public holidays).
Write to us
Send us an email to:
Write to: Wealth Retirement Services, HSBC UK Bank plc, BX8 7HB.
Outside the UK or using a courier? Write to: HSBC, Abbey View, Penfold Drive, Wymondham, NR18 0WZ.