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What is tax residency?

Your tax residency is the country where you pay tax – usually where you live or work.

Your UK resident status affects how your income and capital gains, both UK and foreign, are taxed. Residency can be a complex area of tax law and the following is a broad guide. If you're in any doubt, you should get professional tax advice.

How is tax residency determined?

In the UK, your tax residency status will depend on a statutory residence test.

You’ll usually be regarded as a UK resident if:

  • You spend more than 183 days in the UK within a tax year
  • Your only home was in the UK for 91 days or more, and you stayed in this home for more than 30 days
  • You worked full time in the UK for any period of 365 days, and at least one day was in the tax year

If you’ve just moved to the UK, you may not be a tax resident yet – our moving to the UK guide has more information on how you’ll pay income tax.

Can you be a tax resident in 2 countries?

Yes – this is called dual residence.

In some situations, the 2 countries can have a double taxation agreement. This will decide:

  • Which country you’re regarded as resident in
  • Your exposure to tax in each country

What is non-domiciled status?

Your domicile is broadly the country you consider your permanent home. If your permanent home is outside the UK and you intend to return there in the future, you will be non-UK domiciled. 

If you have non-domiciled status, it may be beneficial to elect to pay UK tax on income earned outside the UK and capital gains realised on the sale of foreign assets only to the extent that the foreign income and gains are brought to the UK. 

This is known as the remittance basis. It should be noted that the Chancellor of the Exchequer in his March 2024 Budget proposed to abolish the current non-domiciled tax regime and replace it with a residence-based system from April 2025. These proposals are subject to consultation at the moment.

How do I get a tax residency certificate?

If there's a double taxation agreement between the UK and the other country of residence, you can apply for a tax residency certificate (or certificate of residence) to claim tax relief in the other country. To do this, you’ll need to contact HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC).

How to fill in a tax residency self-certification form

You can use the Government Gateway platform to apply for your tax residency certificate or email a form to HMRC. You’ll need to tell them:

  • Why you need the certificate
  • How long you need the certificate for
  • The type of income you want to make a claim for
  • The double taxation agreement you want to make a claim under

How to change tax residency

Under the Common Reporting Standard, financial institutions need to determine which country you’re a tax resident of. 

If you’re leaving the UK, you’ll need to let HMRC know about your change in tax residency. To do this, you’ll need to complete a self-assessment tax return (if you’re in the self-assessment system).  Otherwise you will need to fill out a P85 form

Which international services does HSBC offer?

We offer international services for both expats and those who are new to the UK.

If you’re new, we have guidance on living in the UK that covers everything from opening a UK bank account to sending money outside the UK. 

For UK expats, we have dedicated support on our international services hub, including guidance on setting up your finances outside the UK.