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How to manage bills

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Bills can be stressful – so managing them effectively is a great way of getting peace of mind.

It can be tempting to ignore bills when you know it can be a struggle to pay them. But the last thing you want is for them to start piling up. Missing bill payments can also affect your credit score.

Here are some ideas to help you stay on top of your money by keeping your bills under control.

Check if your bills could be cheaper

Rising energy prices since 2021 have meant higher bills for millions of households. 

The energy regulator Ofgem sets a price cap to limit gas and electricity bills for a typical household if they pay by Direct Debit.

You could also try using a comparison website to check that you’ve got the best deal you can. Ofgem also has a list of accredited sites that comply with the industry code of practice.

See if you’re eligible for any extra support

If you receive pension credit or are on a low income, you could get a discount on your electricity bill through the Warm Home Discount Scheme. If you were born before 23 September 1958 and you or your partner receive certain benefits, you may also be eligible for the winter fuel payment, which can help with your heating costs.

If you don’t qualify for these schemes, but find your utilities are still hard to afford, you could look at ways of cutting your usage. See our tips on how to save money on energy.

You may also want to check if you’re missing out on any unclaimed benefits, which you may be entitled to.   

Explore: 5 ways to manage your money through winter

Check your broadband

Broadband bills can be a big part of your outgoings too.

According to the online comparison and switching service Uswitch, broadband prices may have gone up by as much as 8.8% in 2024, even for those who are in the middle of a contract.

If you’ve gone beyond the minimum term of your contract, you can switch to another provider without paying a penalty. Check first about how much notice you need to give.

The regulator Ofcom says customers can also leave mid-contract without being charged a penalty, but only if a provider raises prices by more than the Retail Price Index (RPI) rate of inflation.

Choose the best way to pay

It's worth thinking about how you pay your bills. You could save money, or give yourself more control over when you pay, depending on which method you choose.


Direct Debit is often the easiest way. It automates your payments, so you don’t have to think about them each month, and makes sure your bills are paid on time. It can also be cheaper as some companies offer a discount if you pay by Direct Debit.

Find out more about the difference between Direct Debits and standing orders.


If you're registered for onlinemobile or phone banking, you can use any of those to make payments when your bills are due. That way, you're in control of exactly when you make a payment and how much. The downside is that it's up to you to remember when your bills are due.

By post, or in person

If you prefer not to use digital banking, you can often post a cheque to pay a bill. Remember to allow up to 5 days for your cheque to be processed and the money to go out of your account.

You can also pay many bills at your local post office. This can be handy if you don't have a chequebook, as you should be able to pay by cash or card. But bear in mind that there may be a fee.

Make sure you pay your bills on time

If you haven’t automated all your payments, make sure your bills are organised. Set a calendar reminder so you won’t forget when each one is due. That way, it's easier to make sure they don't mount up. You'll also avoid any late payment charges if you pay on time.  

If you have paper bills, it's a good idea to keep them all together. 

Remember to make sure you've got enough in your account to cover your bills. That could help you avoid any overdraft charges.

Check all your bills carefully. That's the best way to spot mistakes and keep an eye on whether any bills are going up, or down. 

Try choosing one day a month and setting a reminder to check all your bills on that day.

Budget with tools

You can use our budget planning tool to see where you’re spending your money. You’ll also be able to see where you could make changes and make savings.

If you have the HSBC UK Mobile Banking app, you can also use our Balance After Bills feature (on compatible devices). This estimates what you'll owe for the month ahead, based on your regular bills. It then shows you how much you could have left once those standing orders and Direct Debits are paid. This can help make it easier to budget successfully from one payday to the next.  

We have more mobile money management tools in our app to help you keep an eye on your spending and stay on top of your finances. Not only could they help you keep within your budget, they may also help you grow your money and achieve your financial goals.

There are also other money apps which can help you organise a budget. Some allow you to put money for bills into a pot and keep it separate from your other spending. 

Find out more about managing your money with tech and tools.

See if you can save by paying annually

Some bills can be paid either once a year, or in monthly instalments. This usually applies to things like car, or home, insurance.

Paying your annual premium in one go can be the cheapest way to do it. But it can be difficult to afford lump sum payments – not surprising when the average car insurance premium between April and June 2024 was 21% higher than the same period the previous year, according to the consumer organisation Which?

Paying in monthly instalments makes it easier to spread the cost over the whole year. But you may end up spending more on average compared to those paying annually.

It’s worth looking to see if there’s any way you can pay the annual premium in full. But check first, because not all insurance policies charge interest on the monthly payments. For example, with HSBC Home Insurance, there's no interest on monthly instalments.

See if you can spread your council tax costs

Council tax is another bill that can seem daunting when it lands on your doormat. 

The full amount for the year is usually payable in 10 monthly instalments rather than 12. This means you get a 2-month council tax break in February and March. That could give you valuable wiggle room to pay any other outstanding bills that you might have been struggling with. 

If you're finding it hard to afford the monthly amount, check to see if your local authority can help to spread the cost further. Many councils offer the option of making 11 or 12 payments a year instead of 10.

Get help with managing your bills

If you’re struggling to pay your bills, it’s best to get help straight away. If you’re going to be late with a payment, get in touch with the company you’re paying to discuss your options. 

We have useful advice on how to take control of your finances, starting with creating a budget, and where to get support and advice on debt.

If you’ve fallen behind on some of your debt repayments, it’s important to contact the right people to help you get back on track.