An emergency fund is money you save and put aside to cover a financial shock. This could be losing your job, or an unexpected expense such as fixing a broken boiler.
It can give you peace of mind and prevent you needing to take on debt.
How much do I need?
Ideally, 6 months’ essential expenses – for example, rent or mortgage, utility bills and groceries. If you’re just starting out, you could set a smaller target – such as 3 months’ essential expenses – to begin with. Any emergency fund is better than nothing, so don’t be discouraged.
Visit our financial fitness hub for more information on how to understand your finances.
If you’d prefer to speak to someone, you can book your financial health check here.
You can also use our financial fitness tool to get your financial fitness score and understand how to budget.
And don’t forget to take a screenshot or print your emergency fund goal to help you stay on track.
Next steps

Starting your emergency fund
Not sure where to start? No problem. We’ve got guides to help you take that first step.

Building good financial habits
Want to save more? Here are some ideas to help you boost your savings.

Making your money work harder
Emergency fund in good shape? Now could be a good time to consider investing.