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How to reduce or clear your overdraft

Arranged overdrafts can help cover unexpected expenses, but using one for your day-to-day costs can create problems.

Most people don’t realise that small changes make a big difference when it comes to clearing your overdraft.

If you’re regularly using your overdraft and don’t have any savings or you're struggling to repay it, here are some things you could do.

1. Reduce your expenses

Creating a budget lets you see where you’re spending money and if there’s anywhere you could cut back. 

Split your budget into ‘needs’ and ‘wants’. Needs are essentials, like rent and groceries. Wants might include eating out and holidays. If possible, start by reducing your wants wherever you can. 

Look at your regular payments, such as your Direct Debits, to check they’re correct. There may be services or subscriptions you’re paying for that you no longer use or could pay less for.

Use our budget planner to help.

2. Set yourself a repayment plan

Any money you can free up can help reduce how much you rely on your overdraft.

Unlike personal loans and credit cards, overdrafts don't have a set repayment date. This can make it tricky to prioritise paying it off. But it’s important to get into the habit of chipping away at the amount you owe.

Try setting yourself a target of how much you'd like to pay off each month and then treat it like any other bill. Use an overdraft repayment calculator to determine how much you may need to pay. Factor it into your budget so the money is accounted for, and you’re not tempted to spend it on other things.

3. Review your existing borrowing

If you have other debts you’re repaying alongside your overdraft, it’s important to look at how much interest you’re paying. 

As most overdrafts have a higher interest rate than other borrowing options, it can be more expensive to have an overdrawn balance than other lending options for a long period of time.

Explore: How to prioritise your debts

4. Look at other borrowing options

A personal loan may give you a lower rate of interest than an overdraft. If you don’t think you’ll be able to repay your overdraft in the short term, you may want to consider taking out a personal loan to repay it. You’ll then be able to pay the loan off in a more structured way – with set repayment amounts and dates. 

If you’re considering a personal loan, check the APR to help you understand how much interest you'll have to pay. You can then compare it with how much you’re being charged on your overdraft. It's important to remember eligibility criteria apply and loans are subject to status.

Explore: Loans explained: everything you need to know

If you need emergency funds, it’s possible to transfer money from your credit card to your bank account. This can help pay off a small overdraft. However, using a credit card to raise extra funds means taking on more debt, so you should think carefully before doing this. 

5. Reduce your overdraft limit

To help resist temptation, you may want to reduce your overdraft limit as you clear it to avoid going back into debt

You can reduce your overdraft via online and mobile banking.

6. Speak to someone

If you feel like your overdraft is unmanageable, you may want to speak to a trusted family member or friend. They may be able to help reduce any stress you have and help you find the support you need.

Professional advice is also available.

If you’re an HSBC customer, visit our money worries page to see how we can help.

It’s important to remember we don’t want you to be unhappy with your finances. Speaking to us could help get you in a better position.

Citizens Advice, National Debtline or StepChange Debt Charity can also provide professional assistance.