Credit cards
Manage your cash flow and make purchases you’ll pay off later. Find out more about our credit cards and the guidance we offer
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Making the most of a credit card
Our most popular cards
Enjoy up to 29 months interest-free for balance transfers (3.49% fee, min £5).
Representative example
Purchase rate: 24.9% p.a. (variable)
Representative: 24.9% APR (variable)
Based on an assumed credit limit of £1,200
Discover the all-rounder that has up to 20 months of interest-free purchases and up to 17 months of interest-free balance transfers (3.49% fee, minimum £5).
Representative example
Purchase rate: 24.9% p.a. (variable)
Representative: 24.9% APR (variable)
Based on an assumed credit limit of £1,200
Earn reward points on eligible purchases you make.
Representative example
Purchase rate: 23.9% p.a. (variable)
Representative: 23.9% APR (variable)
Based on an assumed credit limit of £1,200
Improve or start building your credit rating.
Representative example
Purchase rate: 29.9% p.a. (variable)
Representative: 29.9% APR (variable)
Based on an assumed credit limit of £1,000